Unseen have combined with Keep Cup to bring you the ultimate and original reusable coffee cup. A great way to drink your ethically sourced coffee in a sustainable way.
Keep Cup was shortlisted as ‘Ethical Product of the Decade’ in the Observer Ethical Awards 2015.
It’s a dishwashable cup that is widely accepted by many coffee shops (in fact, some even give you a discount for using your own cup!)
Over £5 from each cup will go directly towards Unseen’s work with survivors of modern slavery.
Med - 12oz, 340ml
Reusable not disposable coffee cup. Lightweight and unbreakable.
1 cup = £3 (second class post)
2 cups = £3.30 (second class post)
3 cups = £4 (second class post)
4-6 cups = £9 (first class + tracked)
7-12 cups = £11 (first class + tracked)